Life Skills

We are passionate about providing the resources that enable people to explore and develop their interests and skills and become experts in managing their own lives. HCC aims to increase confidence and motivation, improve health and well-being and boost employability.

We do this by empowering people utilising our services focusing on key areas and skills. We support people to develop life skills needed to increase their ability to secure permanent housing and to gain employment and independence. Our bespoke life skills programme provides activities and workshops tailored to individual needs. We aim to provide a little something for everybody.


Our mentoring workshops enable the development of soft skills, which are a combination of social and communication skills, the development of character traits which all contribute to young people and adults achieving success within the realm of personal and professional development, contributing to improved well-being and mental health.

Soft Skills
Our mentoring workshops enable the development of soft skills, which are a combination of social and communication skills,
the development of character traits which all contribute to young people and adults achieving success within the realm of personal
and professional development, contributing to improved well-being and mental health.


Coaching can bring about a range of benefits for a young person, including; improved relationships, increased communication skills, improved self-confidence, self-motivation and resilience.

 Often spoken as part of the same activity, coaching and mentoring are in fact quite different. Coaching tends to be for a shorter period and follows a more structured and formal approach. Mentoring is a longer-term process based on mutual trust and informal respect built up between the mentor and mentee.

People who would benefit from Coaching and Mentoring Workshops:
• 16+ School leavers
• Young Adults 16-25
• Unemployed on welfare benefits (including universal credit or ESA)
• People with disabilities

Employment Skills

Applying for Employment or Education
Securing any job position or educational placement can be challenging, in addition the pandemic has created further barriers. We provide practical support in the form of research, interview preparation, CV support.

We also work in partnership with external organisation so young people and adults aged 16-25 can gain experience in industries
they would like to peruse. Industries include; Marketing, Construction, Hair & Beauty, the Private sector, Health & Social Care,
Painting & Decorating, Barbering and more. We are always looking for organisations to collaborate with so young people can
explore opportunities and learn.


Includes but not limited to;

  • Cooking workshops
  • Sports activities
  • Art therapy, music, dance, and drama workshops
  • CV writing, interview preparation, courses/training leading to qualifications
    Volunteering opportunities


It’s very important to HCC to be able to demonstrate results that measure the success of our programmes;

  • On-site or delivered via online
  • Online training delivered during Summer 2022 was very successful
    68% said “I know nothing or a little about my skill sets”, which dropped to 8% after coaching sessions
  • Detailed questionnaires are completed prior to and after the programme to gauge the effectiveness and learn lessons from the training
  • Onsite training allows a much greater depth of personal interaction between trainers and attendees
  • Quantitative data allows HCC to understand where further training might be required

To find out more about our coaching and mentoring programmes, email us at


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