Horizon Community Care (HCC) is a non-profit community interest organisation helping the most marginalised and disadvantaged people within our local communities experiencing homelessness and the impacts of social exclusion. Since HCC’s inception our team of qualified and experienced professionals have worked with service users across England to assist vulnerable people along their pathway to independence via a programme of support, tailored to meet individual needs.
We provide quality housing, employment and skills training, mentoring, counselling, and floating support. We aim to empower vulnerable people, unleashing their confidence, self-esteem, and life skills. This enables them to live independently, whether for the first time or following a significant change in circumstances.
Our property compliance department have extensive housing management experience and ensure that our service users are living in safe and secure properties that meet with regulatory standards.
We work in partnership with Local Authorities, the NHS and external organisations such as CAHMS, MIND, Off the Record, Addaction and IDVA.
Our Vision
Horizons Community Care’s (HCC) vision is to support vulnerable people within their community, providing person-centred support and care. We aim to be accessible for the most vulnerable who are in need and entitled to support. We aim to provide our services on a local, national, and global level.

Our Mission
- Reduce homelessness and long term stays in hospital
- End suffering in isolation, by providing quality support and housing
- Provide a global service, with outstanding care, understanding and support
- Create independence and empower vulnerable people
Our Values
- Provide a safe and supportive environment for those who are most vulnerable.
- Professionalism and integrity
- Pursuit of excellence/highest standards of quality in everything we do.
- Ensure Equity and Diversity across all our services.
- Dignity and respect amongst our service users

Our values are in line with the British Association of Social Work and are embedded in our core operational activities.

Aspirational Support
We provide aspirational, strengths-based support, encouraging growth and development. Empowering service users to focus on their skills, abilities and aspirations, not just their needs.
Our team actively encourage and help people to recognise and fulfill their full potential.