Explore Enterprise (18-30)

Explore Enterprise (18-30)

Support to start a business covering everything from business planning and marketing to sales, budgeting and tax as well as the opportunity to work with a business mentor. Multiple courses delivered each month in locations across London. INFO SESSIONS: • EAST –...
Engage (16-30)

Engage (16-30)

Come and visit our centre, meet the team and have a chat with a Princes Trust exec who will support them to access a course and next steps: 3rd December, Kennington (South London) 11th December, Poplar (East London)...
Future Leaders (with Lea_p Leadership)

Future Leaders (with Lea_p Leadership)

A one-day personal development programme for young people aged 16-30. This programme redefines leadership and uses holistic techniques to take young people on a journey of deep self-reflection. They will understand their strengths and values based on their story...